Old health page text

I started this blog/wesbite over a year ago.  And I was doing it wrong.  I suppose that is partly why I gave up on it.  I was creating pages for information that should have been in blog updates.  But I still want those pages there, but with more information that is not time relevant.  Ya mean?  Anyway, so there is no loss of information as I transform this page (again), I’m submitting what was on the health page in this here blog:

One Saturday, I decided to have a few beers with some friends at the Saucer, our local spot for top brews.  The next day, we went back to the Saucer for ‘brunch’ at noon, I downed 3 more beers.  After a nap, I had a huge steak with mac’n’cheese and started in on some mixed drinks of the Tequila variety.  What a way to spend the weekend right?  Wrong.

That Monday, I endured one of the worst anxiety/panic episodes of my life.  I tried to brush it off as being just a bad hangover.  But it got worse as the day went on.  What kind of hangover gets worse?!  I figured, eh, I’ll be alright tomorrow.  Let’s just get through today.  I ended up taking 3 times my dosage of anxiety medication to no avail.  That night, I called a nurse and got advice on what to do.  She said if I was right to suspect that this was no normal hangover. She suggested I could be experiencing alcohol poisoning, but since I was able to speak, walk, etc. to not worry too much.

The next day, I still felt bad.  I knew something was up, so I scheduled an appointment with my doctor.  It turned out, that I had a number of things go wrong at the same time.  1) I went from being completely vegetarian to downing a pound of red meat.  2) I’m on three different medications.  3) I’m overweight (obese at the time). 4) I drank alcohol over an extended period of time.  At the end of the day, my liver couldn’t handle any more toxins.  The liver takes care of all four of these issues and I didn’t give it time to do its work.

SO, new game-plan.  1) No more red meat.  2) Let’s get off the meds.  3) Lose weight.  4) Kick the habit.  I decided all on the drive back from the doctor’s office.  In fact, I stopped by a local gym to check out membership costs.  I love the gym, so I got a membership.

Now, I eat only white meat once in a while and I work out at least 5 times a week.  I don’t know if I will quit drinking for good, but for now, no alcohol is best.  My anxiety has been up and down because of the new changes but I definitely feel a huge difference in my level of health (at this point it’s only been a couple weeks).

This page is dedicated to that journey.  I’ll try to keep updates on what I eat, the kinds of exercises I’m doing and my progress.  Since starting, I’ve lost around 7 pounds.  Let’s keep it up!

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My First Post

Hi Everyone.  I’m new to blogging so this website is going to be all over the place.  I plan to talk about the things affecting my life the most in the separate pages and you can feel free to read through my little rants and raves here on the homepage.  Hopefully, I will have everything up and running at somewhat full capacity soon.  … Not that anyone has visited this page yet 😛  Until next time…

Categories: Uncategorized, Welcome | 1 Comment

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